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Perspectives on Medical Marijuana and Alcoholism (Alcohol Use Disorder)

Perspectives on Medical Marijuana and Alcoholism (Alcohol Use Disorder)

October 26, 2023

Compassionate Clinics of America stands as a beacon of support and understanding for individuals seeking alternatives to traditional treatments for various health conditions. Over the years, we’ve witnessed a profound transformation in the way medical cannabis is perceived and utilized by patients, including how some people are using medical marijuana as a substitute for alcohol … Continued

"Munchies": The Connection Between Cannabis and Appetite

October 12, 2023

Cannabis and Appetite: A Complex Relationship The “munchies” are a common thing that people reference in cannabis culture; it’s the commonly held belief that cannabis is known to stimulate appetite. Some may even claim that cannabis can lead to an increase in body weight, which the jury is still out for in terms of clinical … Continued

The Natural Glow: Unveiling Cannabis Skincare

September 28, 2023

Cannabis Skincare: A Modern Trend In recent years, the skincare industry has witnessed a remarkable emergence of a natural ally: CBD (cannabidiol). With an increasing number of individuals seeking holistic and effective solutions for their skincare needs, CBD, specifically topical CBD products that you put on your skin, has taken the spotlight as a potential … Continued

A Woman's Ally: Examining Cannabis and Women's Health

September 21, 2023

Unpacking the Role of Cannabis and Women’s Health Women and those who have a uterus will agree that the overall reproductive system is complicated and can present issues for one’s health in various ways. Cannabis has been used as a support for women’s health issues for centuries. In the cannabis industry’s lore, people love acknowledging … Continued

Bridging Distances: 5 Benefits Of Telemedicine for Medical Cannabis Patients

August 31, 2023

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the paradigm shift towards virtual consultations is reshaping how patients access medical care and expertise. Compassionate Clinics of America, a pioneering force in the realm of medical cannabis certifications across 27 states, stands at the forefront of this transformation, harnessing the power of telehealth and medical cannabis to empower … Continued

Finding Balance: The Fusion of Cannabis and Yoga

August 24, 2023

The Harmony of Yoga and Cannabis: A Path to Balance In recent years, the world of wellness has seen a harmonious blend emerge between two ancient practices—cannabis and yoga. In recent years, there has been an increase of organizations and yoga practitioners offering “ganja yoga” or “stoned yoga” combining consuming cannabis with the practice of … Continued

The Comforting Role of Medical Cannabis in Palliative Care

August 17, 2023

Navigating Palliative Care with the Aid of Medical Cannabis According to the Mayo Clinic, Palliative Care is a specialized medical care that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness. It also can help you cope with side effects from medical treatments. The availability of palliative care does not depend … Continued

10 Important Questions to Ask Your Medical Cannabis Physician

August 10, 2023

Embarking on the journey to explore medical cannabis as a potential treatment option is a significant step toward managing your health in a holistic, safe, and alternative manner. At Compassionate Clinics of America, we understand the importance of informed decision-making, and that starts with asking the right questions during your appointment to get your medical … Continued

Is Cannabis a Depressant?

August 3, 2023

At Compassionate Clinics of America, when we help our patients get their medical cannabis card, we believe in empowering them to find relief from their medical conditions through responsible and legal access to medical cannabis. We strive to provide weekly education on how cannabis affects different parts of the body and the mind to ensure … Continued

How Becoming a Medical Cannabis Patient Saves You Money

July 27, 2023

As of summer 2023, 23 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana, yet despite increased access, millions of patients nationwide still participate in their state medical marijuana programs by getting their medical marijuana card. In previous articles, we have discussed some of the benefits to having your medical marijuana card in a … Continued

Medical Marijuana and Gun Ownership: An Explainer

July 20, 2023

In recent years, the topic of medical marijuana and gun ownership has sparked intense debate and confusion for those who have a medical marijuana card, or are considering getting one. As the medical marijuana population continues to grow across multiple states that now have medical marijuana programs, understanding how existing gun laws intersect with medical … Continued

What is THCP? Understanding the "New" Cannabinoid

July 13, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical cannabis, new compounds are constantly being discovered and researched. One such compound that has gained attention in recent years is THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol), with some companies exploiting this newly-discovered cannabinoid as the “strongest cannabinoid”. What is THCP? Is THCP safe? Are there therapeutic benefits to THCP? As medical cannabis patients … Continued

Does Weed Expire?

July 6, 2023

Patients and individuals who possess a medical cannabis card may be curious about the longevity of their products, especially if what they purchase from their local dispensary has an expiration date or a use by date. Does weed expire? The short answer is, unlike a fine wine, weed products do expire, and as a result … Continued

Can You Be Allergic to Weed?

June 22, 2023

For so many people, including those we serve in our clinic with medical cannabis certifications so they can get their medical cannabis card, using cannabis to treat the symptoms of certain illnesses provides much-needed relief that they couldn’t find with traditional pharmaceuticals. However, for some people, marijuana medicine isn’t an option because it produces adverse … Continued

Hybrid Cannabis Strains: What This Really Means

June 15, 2023

What do cannabis hybrid strains actually mean? For too long, and even now, cannabis has been broken down into a binary of indica vs. sativa, with hybrid being thrown in to mean a bit of a mix of the two. It’s become generally accepted as a hard truth that “indica” cannabis products are believed to … Continued

What Happens When You Sleep High?

June 8, 2023

Related posts: Harm Reduction: Learn Why People with Substance Use Disorder are Using Cannabis Testing for THC: How Long Does Cannabis Stay in the Human Body? Pediatric Cannabis: When is Medical Cannabis Used for Kids? All You Need To Know About Cannabis Concentrates

Greening Out: What Does It Mean? & 10 Tricks to Feel Better

June 1, 2023

At Compassionate Clinics of America, as much as we love cannabis and believe in its medicinal properties, there is too much of a good thing. Marijuana is a plant that is meant to be used with intention. What does it mean to have “greened out?” As prominent medical cannabis advocate Steve DeAngelo stated in The … Continued

Rosin vs Resin: Important Differences to Know About

May 25, 2023

Rosin and Resin. What is the difference? When a medical cannabis patient goes into a cannabis dispensary, they may be overwhelmed by the various types of products available, from marijuana flower, to edibles, topicals, oils, tinctures, and various forms of concentrates. Two different cannabis products that are common to see in dispensaries are resin and … Continued

Delta 10 vs Delta 8: Are There Big Differences?

May 18, 2023

There are potentially hundreds of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It can get confusing for medical cannabis patients when they see different labels for products that are related to cannabis, such as delta-8, delta-9, or delta-10 THC, and other cannabinoids like CBN, CBD, or CBC, just to name a few. When it comes to … Continued

Pediatric Cannabis: When is Medical Cannabis Used for Kids?

May 11, 2023

Pediatric cannabis or the use of medical marijuana within the pediatric population is a controversial topic, however, many of the largest advancements in the cannabis movement have resulted from children suffering from debilitating diseases fighting to access cannabis to bring back their quality of life. Alexis Bortell and the late and forever-missed Charlotte Figi became … Continued

Going to a Dispensary for the First Time: What to Expect

May 4, 2023

How do I know what to buy from a dispensary? How do I choose the right dispensary near me? Do I need a medical card to buy from a dispensary? What is the “right way” to consume cannabis? If you’re a new cannabis patient or are considering getting your medical cannabis certification, you may have … Continued

What are Trichomes? Determine Your Cannabis Quality

April 20, 2023

Have you ever looked at your cannabis flowers and wondered what that frostiness was? Those are trichomes, and they are one of the most important parts of the medical cannabis experience. Trichomes can help medical marijuana users determine the quality of their cannabis, just by looking at it! But, what are trichomes, exactly? In this … Continued

CBG Shows 5 Surprising Medical Benefits

February 3, 2023

When visiting a medical cannabis dispensary, patients may see products with higher concentrations of cannabinoids beyond THC or CBD. These may be cannabinoids like CBG, CBC, or THCv. Cannabigerol is one of those cannabinoids that has started to get more attention. What is CBG? CBG is considered a minor cannabinoid within most cannabis cultivars (“strains”) … Continued

Telemedicine Reduces Anxiety of Getting a Medical Cannabis Certification

January 27, 2023

“Meeting the patient where they are at.” This is one of the philosophies that underscores our practice at Compassionate Clinics of America as we help patients across 24 states discover the benefits of cannabis medicine while exploring a medical cannabis certification. When we opened our first clinics in Illinois and Pennsylvania, we had both physical … Continued

Can Medical Cannabis Help Reduce Opioid Dependence & Withdrawal Symptoms?

January 20, 2023

In the late-1990s, new prescription drugs were making it into the homes of millions of Americans to help them deal with pain and other ailments. What was said to be “non-addictive” by drug companies soon caused an opioid epidemic, where prescription opioids have severely negatively impacted people’s lives, too often in fatal ways. Opioid Use … Continued

What Do We Hope to See for Medical Cannabis in 2023?

December 30, 2022

2022 has been a great year of growth for Compassionate Clinics of America as we celebrated our fifth anniversary and expanded to serve medical cannabis patients in 23 states. The legalization of recreational cannabis is quickly catching on across multiple states, currently with 21 states and Washington, D.C. legalizing the plant for adult use alongside … Continued

Compassionate Clinics of America Continues Expansion Across Legal Cannabis States

December 15, 2022

CHICAGO, Dec. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Compassionate Clinics of America (“the Clinic”) is pleased to announce its expansion into six new states to continue to serve patients with the gold standard in cannabis medicine. The expansion, effective December 13, 2022, offers telemedicine services to New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, and Maine, through which patients can access a medical cannabis certification for qualifying … Continued

Dispensary Partner Spotlight: Sunnyside*

December 9, 2022

At Compassionate Clinics of America, when we provide patients with their medical cannabis certification, we do our best to ensure we can point them in the direction of trusted partners who we know will provide them with support and education as they choose their products. We are happy to feature Sunnyside* as a dispensary partner, … Continued

Medical Cannabis for HIV/AIDS & The Unstoppable Advocates we Honor

December 1, 2022

In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 1.2 million people live with HIV in the United States, although infection rates are on a noticeable decline. Approximately 34,800 people received an HIV diagnosis in 2020. Of those infected with HIV, 13% don’t know they have the virus. This article will look … Continued

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