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Too Much THC? 9 Practical Ways to Reduce a Powerful Cannabis Effect

Too Much THC? 9 Practical Ways to Reduce a Powerful Cannabis Effect

June 24, 2022

At Compassionate Clinics of America, as much as we love cannabis and believe in its medicinal properties, there is too much of a good thing. Cannabis is a plant that is meant to be used with intention. As prominent medical cannabis advocate Steve DeAngelo stated in The Cannabis Manifesto, “Use cannabis for wellness, not intoxication.”

THC … Continued

Examining the Bioavailability of Cannabis Through Oral Consumption Methods

June 15, 2022

One of the best things about exploring cannabis medicine when you get your medical cannabis certification is that there really is something for everyone. While it’s commonly known that many people choose to smoke their cannabis through joints, pipes, bongs, or vaporize their cannabis product through vaporizers or dabbing, cannabis doesn’t need to be inhaled … Continued

Cannabis, Cannabinoids & Brain Development

May 31, 2022

In legal cannabis states, the age to purchase and consume cannabis is limited to those age 21 due to how cannabis may affect brain development. However, there is a growing subsection of children, or pediatric patients, who are using cannabis or cannabinoids as a means to treat certain medical conditions. How does cannabis affect brain … Continued

Consuming Cannabis Concentrates: Tips, Tricks & Techniques

May 10, 2022

Cannabis concentrates are quickly gaining traction for medical cannabis patients due to the punch they pack, the many varieties of concentrates, and because they represent the most potent and medicinal parts of the plant. Cannabis concentrates are the extracted parts of the plant that provide the effect, including cannabinoids like THC and terpenes. Many people … Continued

Is Medical Cannabis Much More than Indica and Sativa?

April 29, 2022

When a medical cannabis patient sees the selection of cannabis products before them when choosing their medicine, they are likely faced with choices that range from Indica to Sativa, or hybrids of the two “types” of cannabis. For centuries, the study of the cannabis plant has focused on the Indica/Sativa binary, with patients and connoisseurs … Continued

More Than Just THC & CBD: Minor Cannabinoids in Cannabis to Have on Your Radar

April 21, 2022

Cannabis is a highly complex plant, and she continues to reveal those complexities as the plant is further researched and the compounds that make up the plant become apparent and more understood. For a very long time, cannabis advocacy, medical cannabis, and even recreational cannabis focused on THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) as the most important component of … Continued

A Complete Guide to the Endocannabinoid System

April 15, 2022

There is a good chance if a patient were to visit their general practitioner and tell them that they think their endocannabinoid system may be unbalanced, the practitioner would have no idea what the patient was talking about. On the other hand, when visiting a practitioner who believes the evidence of the efficacy of medical … Continued

What Exactly is the Entourage Effect?

April 4, 2022

Those new to cannabis may have heard about the “entourage effect” and the importance of understanding it as a critical component of the medical cannabis experience. What exactly is the entourage effect? Why are so many people talking about it? Furthermore, why are so many medical cannabis clinicians and cannabis patients using the entourage effect … Continued

Medical Cannabis Reciprocity

January 11, 2022

Medical Cannabis Reciprocity: What does reciprocity mean for patients? For medical cannabis patients, going without medical cannabis is not an option for many. Patients must choose between breaking federal laws which prohibit interstate travel with cannabis versus suffering incapacitating health problems. Medical cannabis reciprocity laws are necessary to protect the health and wellness of registered … Continued

How to Cope with Anxiety and Depression

December 1, 2021

Does the holiday season give you depression or anxiety? You are not alone.  About 1 out of every 6 adults, about 16 million Americans suffer from depression at some time in their life, the holiday season being one of those times.

Is Cannabis a Better Alternative to Alcohol?

November 30, 2021

If you’re looking to get ahead on your new year’s resolution of living a healthier lifestyle, or you’re just tired of waking up with a pounding headache and nausea every time you drink, you’re in the right place.

Meet Annette Kohan, Our Residential Cannabis Nurse

November 3, 2021

Receiving her nursing education at Pennsylvania’s La Roche University in 1994, Annette focused on working within medical trauma units and medical practitioner training for the first two decades of her career.

2021 Illinois Medical Cannabis Summary Overview

November 1, 2021

It has been almost seven years since Illinois approved the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, allowing patients with one of 52+ qualifying conditions to register with the state to obtain cannabis for medical use. Illinois was the 20th state to authorize a legal, medical cannabis program.  As of June 2021, there are now … Continued

Calm Your Mind and Body with Box Breathing

October 5, 2021

Did you know that the Navy Seals use a form of breathwork called Box Breathing to stay calm in moments of crisis? In yoga, we call breathwork pranayama.

Feel Empowered With Cannabis & Yoga

October 4, 2021

Incorporating yoga into your wellness routine increases your experience by simultaneously increasing your emotional and physical well-being. 

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